Katy Lederer is the author of the poetry collections Winter Sex (Verse Press, 2002), The Heaven-Sent Leaf (BOA Editions, 2008), and Poker Face: A Girlhood Among Gamblers, online at Crown Books. Educated at the University of California at Berkeley and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she edited her own magazine, Explosive, from 1996-2006 and currently serves as a Poetry Editor of Fence Magazine.
(Author photo by Joanna Eldredge Morrissey) -
Lederer's lyricism is often punctuated with the tautological, the truistic, the what-goes-without-saying, and the humility of Lederer's quasi-conclusions can be a winning quality. The poems are often amped to the point that the filament in them appears ready to burn, and then at the last second Lederer seems to know how to reduce the current without losing the illumination.
Paul Stephens, Electronic Poetry Review
Reviews of books by Katy Lederer
Winter Sex -
- Katy Lederer's website
- Sampler of Katy Lederer's poems (in Boston Review)
- Four poems (in Coconut)
- Four poems (in Jacket Magazine)
- Two poems (in TYPO Magazine)
- Identity Theory, with Matthew Borondy
Reading at the University of Richmond:
Reading at the Sacramento Poetry Center: