Bundle all the books in Don Mee Choi's KOR-US Trilogy and receive 40% off.
Bundle includes: Hardly War, DMZ Colony, and Mirror Nation, all by Don Mee Choi. Discounts are applied in the cart.
As Choi’s trilogy displays, this involves a combination of imagination and research, with the latter defined widely to include personal memory, while understanding that the personal is the result of history and its material conditions. This also entails the invention of new forms of expression to accompany the older ones in order to expand the range of what can be made visible and heard. Conversely, these innovative modes can be used to elude and become imperceptible to the modern nation-state’s endless classifications and categories according to race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and, in the colonies and neocolonies, human and not human. This isn’t a thought or aesthetic experiment; it’s a means of survival and thriving.
Alan Gilbert, e-flux Journal