Peter Richards was born in 1967 in Urbana, Illinois. He is a recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant in Poetry, an Iowa Arts Fellowship, an Academy of American Poets Prize, and the John Logan Award. His poems have appeared in Agni, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Fence, The Yale Review, and other journals. He is the author of Oubliette (Verse Press, 2001), which won the Massachusetts Center for the Book Honors Award, Nude Siren (Verse Press, 2003), and Helsinki (Action Books, 2011).
A relevant heir to Keats, Richards [has] demonstrated negative capability in the teeth of post-modernity, as well as the ability to "load every line with ore" and consistently delight by surprise. With his convincing pathos and spine-chilling linguistic daring, he made most other young poets look either smug, glib, or lazy by comparison.
Matt Miller, Iowa Review
Reviews of books by Peter Richards
Nude Siren
Oubliette -
- “She” (in The Cortland Review)
- Four poems (in Electronic Poetry Review)
- Essay by D.A. Powell on figurative language in poetry, which includes a discussion of Peter Richards’ poem, "The Moon is a Moon"
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