Wesleyan University Press published Joe Wenderoth’s first two books of poetry, Disfortune and It Is If I Speak. Wave Books published his third book of poems, No Real Light (2007), and fourth, If I Don't Breathe How Do I Sleep (2014). Wave Books also published his novel, Letters To Wendy’s (2000), and The Holy Spirit Of Life: Essays Written For John Ashcroft’s Secret Self (2005).
Joe Wenderoth's films and artwork can be found on YouTube. His audio recordings (poems, public readings, and his podcast, About Brett Favre) can be found at Internet Archive. He is currently Professor of English at UC Davis, where he teaches in the creative writing graduate program. He is also the Blind Chaperone of the Seizure State. He has been to the Corn Palace, and has generally been thought of in a very positive way by people in the industry.
He is at work now on Agony: a proposal. -
Wenderoth proves himself one of our country’s most daring satirists—no one is more willing to follow issues through to the rawest conclusions, or to show the slick world the other side of its smile.
James Wagner, Boston Review
Wenderoth is one of those rare poets whose work shows up on the radars of cool kids and academics alike...There’s a spiraling logic to the way his mind works; one that should be revered.
Jonathan Messinger, Time Out Chicago
Likely to be known... as the most apt, able, and adventurous ars poetica produced for and by Generation X.
John D'Agata, Boston Review
Joe Wenderoth is a brilliant writer, original and subversive, sensitive and strange. I read his work with awe and admiration.
Ben Marcus
Reviews of books by Joe Wenderoth
If I Don't Breathe How Do I Sleep
No Real Light
The Holy Spirit of Life
Letters to Wendy's -
- Two poems (in Granta)
- Three poems (in Coconut)
- Four poems (in Fruita Pulp)
- Bookslut, with Jason B. Jones
- Fence, with Sandy Brown
- Rain Taxi, with Graham Foust
- VICE, with Blake Butler
- BOMBlog, with Paola Capó-García
- Fruita Pulp, with Benjamin Dunham
Joe Wenderoth in a performance with Gibby Haynes Part I-III: